31 December 2020
5 Questions to Help You Live a Focused 2021

07 December 2020
The Power of a Woman's Story

30 November 2020
Jesus, Help Me Be a Good Simon

28 November 2020
Hard Yet Holy: A Corona Thanksgiving & Other Life Updates

23 November 2020
A Letter to Catholic Singles During the Holidays

15 October 2020
Annulment Post Roundup

01 October 2020
What Three Rom Com's Teach Us About Healthy Relationships

28 September 2020
Tips for Finding the Right Therapist

24 September 2020
Freshly 35.

21 September 2020
Summer 2020 > Winter 2020

16 September 2020
4 Resources to Turn to After a Divorce

17 August 2020
Rituals to Help You Savor the Morning Hours - Even if You're Not a Morning Person

11 August 2020
The Struggles of Going Through a Divorce While Young
What are some of the frustrating struggles of going through a divorce at a younger age?
- Wondering if the hopes and dreams for marriage and a family would still happen someday.
- Fear about doing life on my own for the first time in life.
- Worry over financially providing for myself.
- How would I navigate dating again after my annulment?
- Wondering how I would learn to trust myself and trust men.
- How would I get through the lonely days and nights?
- How would I navigate the big feelings and emotions that would come as the weeks passed?
- Would people in the Church criticize or judge me and the choice I made?
- How would I thrive and not just survive?
Surround yourself with people who carry hope for you.

07 August 2020
How to Kindly Turn Someone Down
(Today I am sharing a post I had published in the Fall. It is one of the best lessons I have learned when it comes to healthy dating and felt too good to not share with you.
I hope it encourages you if you're navigating online dating as a Catholic right now).
No one likes feeling rejected. Being turned down for a date is not fun at all. It if often uncomfortable and messy for both men and women.
I have had a string of lots of first dates lately where I did not feel comfortable being open to second date (for a variety of reasons). Something that was in common with all those dates was how I kindly yet honestly let them know I was not interested in a future date.
May I be honest for a second?
I know none of us like doing this, but we have to be able to say "no thank you" with honesty and authenticity. Playing games, ghosting, being manipulative, or just avoiding doing the uncomfortable thing is not kind and to be frank, is just plain mean.
Regardless if you are not interested in getting to know someone further, there is a kind way to turn someone down for a date. What I am going to share with you is something I have started doing, and I find it to be helpful.
One of my close girlfriends is also in the same stage of life as myself, and together, we are navigating the waters of online dating as Catholics. She has done a lot of growth work with online dating coaches. In addition to what she is learning, she shares it with me. As I apply it to my dating journey, I find myself trusting myself more, noticing red flags quicker, and really learning how just being my authentic self will attract a good man into my life.
One of the best things I have learned from my friend is how to kindly turn down a man for a future date.
The secret formula?
Read more about this handy sound bite over at Catholic Match . . .

04 August 2020
Power Up Your Morning Coffee with Superfoods!
- Collagen
- Coconut Oil
- Cinnamon
- Ghee Butter
- Maca Powder

25 July 2020
The Prayer That Changed Everything

18 July 2020
Embracing a Healthier Relationship with Food and my Body

18 June 2020
Tips for Mental Well-Being When You Can't Get to Therapy