- Be still and know that I am God. -Psalm 46:10
- The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be still. -Exodus 14:14
In the last six months I have begun to carve out time day to start and end my day with silence and meditation. Deep breathing helps me focus and let go of the distractions running around in my brain. Slowly repeating a word or prayer helps me re-focus when my mind starts to chatter again.
Living on my own for the first time in my life, getting used to more silence is something new for me. But more and more, I am seeing how much I need it. How much my soul actually aches and craves it.
It is one thing to be still physically but a completely different thing to still your mind and spirit. And while I am growing in this area, I see how much more stillness I need in my life; relationship with myself, God, and others.
Life, relationships, and my mind can very quickly become noisy and fragmented. I am looking forward to more stillness in my life...more just being, instead of always doing.