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09 January 2022

The New, Exciting, and Surprising (AKA Where I Have Been)

So what has been going on this past year? Where I have been?

Well for starters, not really on here writing much.

Each year of the pandemic has been different. With it, has brought in new experiences; some wonderful and some harder than others.

January 22 is the first anniversary of dad's death. It is crazy to think a year has passed where I haven't been able to hear his voice or hug him. I believe and trust he is in the Joy of Heaven, but as the Christmas season drew closer, I felt the ache of missing him all the more.

Christmas was particularly hard for me this year. Namely, one of them dad being gone. 

This year on January 22, I will attend Mass at my little parish where the priest will offer the Mass for dad's soul. Later in the afternoon, my siblings and I will go to my mom's house for lunch and then the 5pm Mass at the parish we grew up at, where dad served as the deacon for many years.

If could remember the soul of Deacon Kevin and my family on January 22, I would be so grateful.

I shared the exciting news about my new job. My little office is nicely set up in my bedroom, and I am really enjoying wearing my cozy Ugg slippers to work each day. 

I started going to CrossFit last March and am still sticking with it. I love it so much more than I would and it feels amazing to see my body get stronger and what it is capable of doing. One of my goals for 2022 is to spend a month or two working one-on-one with a personal trainer.

In October I ran my third Detroit marathon. It wasn't my best race, but the weather was perfect and I had lots of people cheering me on.

One of the best surprises was beginning to date Joe last December. However, shortly after our one year anniversary and Christmas, we decided to stop dating each other. Honestly, I think I possibly saw it coming since the middle of the summer. 

There was a lot of clarity and peace in the decision but I am sad things did not work out as I hoped. I loved both him and his three kids a lot. In the end, we both are in very different spaces. My heart is grieving right now, but I am proud of myself for not settling and trusting my heart through it all.

I signed up to lead a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with one of my best friends in September. I am so excited to go, I still cannot believe it is actually happening.

I started an LLC for my writing and speaking. I am excited to have some out of state speaking engagements over the next few months, and am hopeful this will lead to more opportunities.

As part of my LLC, I want to re-design this space here with a more professional website. As part of that, I am having a professional photo shoot this Saturday for new headshots. Who am I kidding, I am also absolutely doing it for new photos to use in online dating.

2021 was full of all kinds of things I didn't expect, some wonderful and some more difficult.

I am intrigued to see what 2022 holds for me. The word I picked for the year is STRENGTH, which I think will be teach me something in more ways than one.

I feel like the world is at my finger tips.

I am starting 2022 with some sadness and hurt, but am also brimming with hope and expectant faith.

I look forward to seeing you more around here these parts. :)

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  1. Wow, what a full year! I think it's beautiful that you are able to see all the blessings and hope of God in the midst of the sorrowful events. I will be praying for you all and for your dad's soul. And that is very cool that you'll be going to the Holy Land on pilgrimage-wow!!

  2. I like the way you start your blog post. You mention all the important things in your life while writing the post. The blog post become interesting when you share your small things with the audience.


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