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01 February 2022

What Does It (Really) Mean to Be a Feminine Woman?

When you heard the word femininity, what comes to mind?

There was a period in my life if you had asked me that question I would have answered something like: being quiet, reflective, wearing dresses, etc. 

Growing up, one of the harmful messages I hd to let go and undo over time was unhelpful messaging about what it meant to be a little girl, to be feminine. 

There are very particular memories I have where my mom would repeatedly remind me to be a good girl, a quiet girl and act ladylike. 

"Remember," mom would say to me, "Nobody like a loud girl."

While her intention was not to hurt me, my sensitive Patty heart absorbed unhelpful (and unhealthy) messages about what it meant to be a girl.

As I have gotten older, I can see how this instance was one of the most hurtful messages I absorbed as a little girl and carried with me into my early twenties.

What I heard in those words was, "Be different from who you are. Act a certain way or people will not accept or like you."

"Being loud equals being bad."

Why share such a personal story with you?

Because sometimes I feel in Catholic circles there is a false perception of what it means to be feminine, to be a woman.

To be feminine is never a one-size fits all prescription. It looks different for every woman because we are all unique and none of us are the same.

Head over to Catholic Match to read the rest ...

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