Sometimes there are seasons of life defined but certain lesson God is teaching us.
Recently I been in a season of mercy in life. And in the not so distant past, the Catholic Church celebrated the Year of Mercy.
Those two, plus my pilgrimage experience in Poland for World Youth Day last summer have been some powerful ways God has been working on me.
When Divine Mercy first became a "thing," I only liked praying the chaplet because it was faster and easier than praying the whole Rosary. Thankfully, I have grown up spiritually (some) since those days.
The beautiful image and devotion of Divine Mercy have taught me many things over the last year or so.
The mercy of Jesus Christ is the most powerful force in this world.
It can change our lives if we choose so.
Namely, Divine Mercy has taught me how to forgive...
I feel like there is lots of talk about women these days.
From Kellyanne, Hillary, and the popular #daywithoutwomen, and the list goes on and on.
There are many things in the culture today we're very confused about. Feminism and the empowerment of women are two that have been on my mind a lot lately.
I am ALL about the empowerment of women today. Some of it is really good stuff; some of the original suffragettes like Susan B. Anthony were pro-life women.
I believe in the values of equal pay and rights for working women. I believe women should not be objectified and talked about as body parts or in ways deemed as "mere locker room talk." We need to stand up and defend women who are abused and robbed of their dignity.
Our world today is unknowingly aching for a true, beautiful reflection of the feminine genius that St. John Paul II spoke of with such love.
Life is really different than it was a year ago today.
A year ago today I wore a black skirt with a blue blazer. I walked into a court room with my parents. A judge asked me to verify I was not pregnant and if this marriage was beyond repair. I faintly uttered a soft "yes."
Later that night, I went out to dinner with my siblings. I was in the car and my brother-in-law reached to the back seat and squeezed my hand and said, "You will be okay Patty. You'll be okay."
Even when I most have felt like I am not gonna be okay or that the sadness was too much, David was right. I am going to be okay.
Life feels uncertain in other ways, but I am going to be okay.
I'm living on my own (actually for the first time ever! #icecreamfordinner ;).
I've been going to counseling and reading recovery books like its a second full-time job.
I am going to a divorce ministry training with some ladies from church in hopes to start a divorce recovery group where I work.
I am talking with a friend in hopes to work together to create some kind of presentation and/or supportive network to women in relationships where the man is addicted to to support and empower these women in a difficult situation.
I am in regular contact with women around the country in a similar situation I was and meeting more Catholic women who have went through a divorce.
But sometimes I still get easily overwhelmed and want to jump in bed and pull the covers over my head. The past several days I've been riding the struggle bus.
Who am I kidding. I was DRIVING the freaking struggle bus...because why else would I eat a pint of ice cream on a Saturday night?
Last night I called my Mom...cause sometimes you just need to talk to your Mom.
I blubbered and cried: I'm excited but really, really nervous to date again, struggling with loneliness sometimes, and facing disappointment of not getting a job I really wanted that I thought was God's will for me.
I get anxious sometimes worrying how long it will take to pay off my school loans and wondering how the budget will balance each month or how long I'll have to live with things so financially tight.
Life is always evolving and changing and sometimes I feel like I cannot keep up. But then again its not my job to be in control of my life either.
A year ago today my prayer was to not let the hurt and sadness drown me. And it hasn't.