Why hello, Friday, nice to see you!
Joining Jen and her faithful crew of quick takers for some Friday shares!
Still, I thought I could save these soon-to-be-waffles. On the box it said this waffle iron was non-stick. For a split second, there was a little voice in my head that said, "Hmm probably should still spray this thing with baking spray." Did I listen to that little Betty Crocker inside me?? (I imagine you know where this is going...)
So there I was merrily pouring waffle mix onto the hot iron and jamming out in the kitchen to jazz music on the radio. It was only until I saw smoke steaming out of the waffle iron I thought it could be potentially a problem. Well turns out you are still supposed to spray non-stick waffle irons even if it says non-stick. After a few 'choice' words and 45 minutes of scrapping and scrubbing batter out of the waffle iron in the sink; I decided to call it a night and reacquainted myself with a Woodchuck hard cider and some episodes of "I Love Lucy"
This Sunday, I'm planning to go round two at the waffle iron again. This time I'm using the lovely Pam to help prevent burnage this time around:)
This next week is gonna be crazzzyyy round these parts!! All day Friday and Saturday I'm going to a Youth Ministry conference sponsored by our diocese. I love getting together with some of my besties in ministry, and especially excited to have a well-needed chat/some advice with my dear mentor. Oh and the food at these things is always good; which is of course an added bonus!
Youth Group kick-off is also on Sunday, yay! Pray for a good start to the year. And Jim and I are also getting our god-parenting duties on the first time together beforehand.
The best thing about next week is my sister Annie is getting married! I'm already looking forward to our spa day of pampering with Annie, Mom, and ourAunt...not to mention my dancing shoes are ready to get down with my funky self and boogie the night away at the reception next Friday!
Oh and I also have a biblical exegesis paper on the call of Abraham that I somehow have to find time to start working on...looks like I'll really have to master some serious time management this week!
Prayers for all that busy; especially the bride/groom and my time management skills, are muchly appreciated:)
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Gotta get a fun shot of us 3 sibs at Annie's wedding for sure!! |
A few weeks ago, I asked you all for advice on drinking coffee. Diet Coke has not been doing it, and I figured at 28 was as good a time as any to try it out.
Thanks for the idea's! So I had my first official cup of coffee with carmel something creamer (Jim seemed to think I would be able to tolerate it). Well I got half way through and oddly enough it gave me a stomach ache; I definitely felt more awake, but boy it was hard to swallow down.
I know some of you recommended Earl Gray tea's and I still have yet to get some the next time we go grocery shopping. Tomorrow before heading out to my day conference, I may be hitting up Bigby for something sweet and sugary in a mug:)
Any other good caffeinated tea flavors?? I tried raspberry, but it just tasted like bland, flavored water.
Monday Jim and I got a big surprise! Someone we know at a church we frequently go to on Sunday wants to pay for us (as a gift!) to attend this 2 day weekend marriage enrichment conference, called 'Living in Love.' We were both humbled and really surprised when this man told us he thinks our marriage can help other people because of some challenging situations we faced this year, that it could be a witness to other engaged or newlywed couples. So we get to go and really do some serious reflection and prayer together for a weekend, and then afterwards perhaps will be trained to be a "marriage mentor couple" to help walk alongside other couples who are preparing for marriage at this church.
Of course we said yes! I'm really excited to see what this brings for us as a couple, praying about this opportunity together, and am looking forward to this weekend enrichment already:)
Since getting from our retreat a few weeks ago, I've really been thinking about the constant stream of excuses I make to explain why I can't/don't have time/or am too busy to find time to pray each day.
The last talk at the retreat was given by a nun who just really convicted to me as much as I can to stop the excuses and get my lazy rump out of bed and just spend time with the Lord. Of course, easier said than done.
Last week, I set my alarm and hour earlier before I needed to be getting ready for work to have quiet time with Jesus. I did it twice last week (work in progress ;) and the days I did I noticed just an overall difference in my attitude and mindset. Its a sacrifice sure, but I'm really starting to see if I don't make time then, I''l find too many excuses to not pray later in the evening.
One thing I also did in my prayer time was bring my day before the Lord and share my plans, but then ask him if there's something specific he wants me to do or take off my list. Especially for a chronic list make and control freak like myself, its a simple way to strive to do more of God's will and less of mine each day.
Know of course its Friday, and this week I've only got up once early to pray...like I said...a work in progress...
I'm already excited and dreamily planning our next trip to the grocery store. Is that weird??
No? Whew, okay I thought I was the only one that found grocery shopping to be fun...I'm sure give me a few years and a couple kids later, I'll think differently. But call me crazy, I really do find grocery shopping to be fun!
Especially when I can do this......

OR dress up like this.....

Don't worry we don't dress up like bears and I don't use the cart at Kroger's for my personal photo shoot...although the bear thing would be freaking. hysterical.
But for real, I'm just excited for some of idea's I have to try out in the kitchen: shepherd's pie, spinach lasagna roll ups, spinach mushroom frittata, and funetti pancakes (for the birthday boy in the next few weeks!)
All this food chatter, has got me hungry.....hhhmmm wonder what its the fridge?
Lastly this picture and words. Cause its just good stuff.
Wishing you all a beautiful weekend...and don't forget to share your smile, cause its a gift!! :)