(Okay, technically it was January...so I am off one day!)
I remember another friend had started a blog sharing about her work in ministry and her new life as a wife and mom. I looked up to this person; in some ways, I wanted to be like her when I grew up.
As I read her blog, I thought to myself, "This looks like fun. Gosh, I could do that!"
And so I started.
I started it about six months before my wedding. After getting married, I used it as a little spot to talk and reflect on marriage, my faith, and working in ministry.
Over the last ten years, this space has changed and evolved. In many ways, just like me.
I have went through divorce, annulment, dating and being single, career changes...pretty much a lot of the "big" adult things.
I have went through big changes here; healed, grown, and shifted.
From the time I was a little girl, I loved writing. When I began this space, I saw it as a creative outlet I could practice the art of writing.
And you know what happened?
a 2012 Patty...
I discovered something in this little space - my soul came alive in new ways writing. It helped me find myself in deeper ways and became a way to process and navigate hard things in my life.
I did it just for me, for Patty. Not knowing where it would take me.
Yes, blogging has led me to opportunities to write more professionally online and speak from time to time. Those experiences enriched me as a woman and I am grateful for opportunities to be paid for my work.
However, those experiences alone do not keep me writing.
I keep writing because I love it. I keep writing because it is a fire in my soul, my blue flame if you will. I keep writing because it helps me feel more connected to my own heart, my spirit, and to God.
a 2022 Patty
This humble little space has done more good for me than I anticipated.
Happy anniversary, little blog. Happy anniversary, writing life. Happy anniversary, sweet dream I never let die.
You brought me more than I ever expected: a deeper sense of being connected to myself and the heart of Divine love.
When you heard the word femininity, what comes to mind?
There was a period in my life if you had asked me that question I would have answered something like: being quiet, reflective, wearing dresses, etc.
Growing up, one of the harmful messages I hd to let go and undo over time was unhelpful messaging about what it meant to be a little girl, to be feminine.
There are very particular memories I have where my mom would repeatedly remind me to be a good girl, a quiet girl and act ladylike.
"Remember," mom would say to me, "Nobody like a loud girl."
While her intention was not to hurt me, my sensitive Patty heart absorbed unhelpful (and unhealthy) messages about what it meant to be a girl.
As I have gotten older, I can see how this instance was one of the most hurtful messages I absorbed as a little girl and carried with me into my early twenties.
What I heard in those words was, "Be different from who you are. Act a certain way or people will not accept or like you."
"Being loud equals being bad."
Why share such a personal story with you?
Because sometimes I feel in Catholic circles there is a false perception of what it means to be feminine, to be a woman.
To be feminine is never a one-size fits all prescription. It looks different for every woman because we are all unique and none of us are the same.