By this point, you know one of my passions when it comes to ministry is working to create better support and resources for divorced and civilly remarried Catholics.
Lately, I have done several podcast interviews on the topic as well as have some writing published on this and other similar topics.
Today I thought I would create a roundup post on the topics of divorce and annulment as a Catholic.
Maybe it will be helpful for you or someone you know.
I am excited and a bit nervous for this webinar. I am told I will be presenting to hundreds of people. I hope you will join us or share with people you think may be interested.
Thank you for supporting my work and encouraging me!
Personally, I am a fan of the old classics when it comes to cinema. I grew up on Westerns and WWII movies with my dad. My mom introduced me to musicals, the wonderful world of Alfred Hitchcock, and romantic love stories with some of the greatest leading men and women.
What I love about movies, even ones not necessarily religious or faith-based, is that they still have powerful themes that speak to the depths of the human spirit. I love a powerful, well told story!
Story lines with redemption, heroism, and the triumph of good over evil. Movies can convey deep messages that resonate with the human spirit.
I don't know about you, but the last few months of the pandemic have felt both overwhelming and exhausting at times. There are days it has been difficult for me to stay focused and living in the present moment.
So let's take a lighter, more fun approach to movies today...
What can some of our favorite Romantic Comedies Teach Us About Healthy Relationships?
Well a lot, actually.
Don't blow me off here.
I promise you there are lessons to be learned!
Let's dive in and take a look at some popular rom-coms and see what they can teach us when it comes to dating and healthy relationships.
More specifically, let's take a look at the movies You've Got Mail, Return to Me, and While You Were Sleeping.