It feels weird to look back on a day that I thought would have been one of the happiest days of my life, is now just another day.
The first year after my divorce I was a hot mess, but know I can look back on June 22 with peace and realization that it was not all that I thought it would be. And that is okay.
I often say I never would have imagined all that happened over these last six years, but I am so grateful for all that God has taught me about myself through it.
So this June 22, is just another Friday in June.
I am really excited for summer and have had some fun things going on the last few months.
The first weekend in May I went to Holland, Michigan for the Annual Tulip Festival. It was SO much fun and apparently the last time I went I was only two years old.
There was a cute little parade through downtown Holland and I got to tour the oldest working windmill in the United States which was originally from Holland. Did I mention soaking up the beautiful scents of fresh tulips? #bestillmyheart.
In May, my mom and sister and I had a good ol' fashioned slumber party to watch the Royal Wedding. We were up at 4am and drinking both mimosas and coffee by 4:30. It was so much fun. I was quite pleased I went home with leftover scones and champagne.
I am starting to train for my second marathon on October 21 in Detroit. I have had two injuries which have slowed me down and thrown me off a bit. But I am coming back and my shin splints are healing well. #praisehands
Deep down, I dream of qualifying for the Boston Marathon someday. I am nowhere near that yet, and I just want to finish with a slightly quicker time this year.
I have had a few graduation parties for several of the teens in youth ministry from the church I used to work at. It has been so fun to celebrate them and catch up on all the wonderful things in their lives.
One of my dearest friends Lauren is getting married in August and her bachelorette festivities were in June. Lauren helped me for several years in youth ministry and we went to World Youth Day together in Poland. I am so excited to be a bridesmaid and celebrate her wedding on August 4th. :)
Love this girl.
What are your fun, exciting plans over the summer?!
I'll be working on writing project. In July, I am going to Chicago and am excited to see my uncle, aunt, and little cousin.
I hope you have some fun things to look forward to over summer.
The effects of living in a highly sexualized culture continue to have devastating effects on both men, women, and our relationships.
When this painful reality was what I faced in my marriage, I was so frustrated initially because I did not know where to find help or get good resources.
I am writing over at FemCatholic today sharing resources to encourage and empower women who find themselves in these situations.
Even if this is not your reality, I would encourage to read and learn more because it is highly likely you know someone whose life or relationships have been impacted by this.