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04 May 2019

When You Have to Break Up With a Good Guy

Maybe you have been there like I have.

You meet a man and hit it off. The conversation flows easily, you are attracted to each other, and fins lots of interesting things to talk about. You balance each other out, laugh easily, and get along well together. 

Later on, you have vulnerable, honest conversations on things like boundaries, healthy sexuality, expectations, spirituality, past relationships, your hopes and dreams, etc. 

You decide to seriously date each other. 

You spend more time together with both of your families and friends. You continue to learn, grow, and explore life together. You feel peace in that decision, in pursuing a committed relationship with this person. Time goes on, and perhaps you see a future with this person through the sacrament of holy matrimony.

But then somewhere along the way, the peace leaves you.

And for whatever reason you may not fully understand yourself, you don't have peace about moving forward in dating this person.

Has this ever happened to you in dating and relationships?

I am working this out in my own life right now. Several months ago I broke up with a good, honorable man who I thought was the right guy for me.

While I have perfect peace about the decision, there are several things I am doing right now to help work through and move on from this relationship.


What has helped you work through and heal from past dating relationships?

I am curious to here what is helpful for other people. :)

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