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07 May 2019

Divorced and Catholic? You Still Have a Place.

I didn't know what to do and I was afraid I would be judged harshly.

Several months before I decided to move out and pursue a divorce, I was inwardly struggling with how I could be treated or perceived in the Church, especially with my work in parish ministry as a lay woman.

I had met with the former rector of our local seminary, and laid out my fears and insecurities:

Would I be judged? Would people at work come up and ask what happened when they noticed my last name changed? Would I be a "less than Catholic" because I was the one who left and started divorce proceedings? Would I still be a part of the community because now I was divorced? Would I be treated differently?

This kind, pastoral priest leaned over his desk and said to me with such compassion, "Patty, God hates divorce, but He doesn't hate divorced people."

When I think of my wrestling with this idea of having a place in the Church as a young, divorced woman, I reflect on those words I heard in that priest's office that day.

For divorced Catholics, both men and women, these and related questions are very real concerns.
When part of your identity is in being someone's spouse and that no longer exists, it feels scary and unnerving. I think even more so for Catholics who practice their faith and are trying to follow Jesus with their whole life.

So shall we just address the big pink elephant sitting in the living room?

If you are a divorced Catholic, yes you 100% still have a place in the Church. We need you just like we need every other person.

Your experience matters.
Your story matters.


And if you know someone who has gone through a divorce please share it with them.

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  1. Patty, thank you so much for this beautiful article and for speaking so publicly about this topic!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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