Another link up party with Jen... for more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
On Monday, I had two guest post's featured on two blogs I follow. I wrote "Skinny-sh vs. Fat-ish" wars for Samantha and a book review for Mandi. Go check these ladies blogs out if you're looking for something new n' fun to read!! :)
This June 2 is the 2 year anniversary of Grandpa's death, and to remember Memorial Day and also honor his life, we could think of no better way to do so than visiting his grave with flags.
Love and miss you Grandpa!
Tuesday night was my first meeting for a women's small group I am starting to attend through the young adult group we have gotten involved with. I was kind of nervous the first time because I don't really know any of the gals at all, and at first when I'm in a room full of folks I don't know I'm kinda quiet, but they all seem really nice and half are married and the other half are single, so its a good mix. We're going to meet twice a month; I'm looking forward to meeting other Catholic gal's and making some new friends.
On Sunday after we got home from church, Jim went and played out in the woods behind our apartment. Well clearly I'm not married to a wilderness expert because he got a rash (we think it's poison oak) on his left leg. He refuses to see a doctor, but he has been putting a wash and cream on his leg several times a day. I am just worried he is gonna spread it to me; I more or less demanded he wear long pants to bed so he doesn't get his leper cream all over me/the sheets. It probably doesn't help that I tease him and call him "my little leper." Hopefully it clears up soon!
Monday night we happened to catch the last half hour on a special documentary of the royal baby of Prince William and Princess Kate. I love following the royal couple, even though it is harder since I canceled my People subscription, but this show was a pleasant surprise. And how can you not love the modern chic Audrey Hepburn-ish fashion style of Kate??? Her fashion sense is flawless...if only to have her lovely wardrobe for a day ;-) The show we watched talked about all the preparations for the new royal baby, traditions in the royal family for a new heir, and also got a look into the official nanny school that has been taking care of royal's since the 1800's. Crazy!
Do any of you ladies who are married ever argue with your hubby about chores??? Holy. cow. that seems to be the cause of many rifts lately! I'm a control, schedule freak. Jim is more laid back and easy he is not lazy, but in the heat of a moment I may have been quoted in yelling that at him; not one of my finest moments as a wife. I live and thrive on to-do lists; I actually write things on the darn list just so I can cross it off later?? Weird, I know.
So we have tried a chore list and me helping Jim come with a list for each day, but those failed. So our newest attempt at smoothing my anal retentive nature and his care free spirit, at the beginning of each week we create a to-do list together. For things we both have to do individually and also for up keep of our home, and then we have the week to complete those things. Of course on the first day of this new trial run, I FLIPPED out one day when I came home cause only 1 thing was crossed off....let's just say I have a long way to go in patience and being flexible.
If any of you gals, have idea's you and your husband use for a chore system, I'm all ears!!!
Happy Friday and have a fantastic weekend:)