For as long as I can remember I have loved to read. Some of my happiest memories as a little girl were when my mom and I would read together every night before bed. Everything from Laura Ingalls to Nancy Drew, a love for books and reading has been a part of me for as long as I can remember. I consider good books a close friend, rich with memories and meaning.
For bibliophiles like myself, reading is more of a lifestyle than an activity. It seems I am always in one of three stages: reading a book, deciding what book to read next. or calling the library with a list of books I am hoping to find on the shelves. Do you find yourself somewhere in that description.
If you are looking for new ways to freshen up your to-read book pile, one of these podcasts may be what you need to grow deeper as a reader.
Get some new ideas by heading over to Verily to read the rest . . .
Well if you are looking for something new to challenge yourself and grow, I want to share with you a new print publication called Common Horizon.
I am honored, and truthfully, still pinching myself I get to help contribute something among so many women I admire and am learning from.
Common Horizon is focused on exploring the 7 Themes of Catholic Social Teaching. Contributors explore the seven themes through various creative means from art, poetry, prayers, interviews, and honest reflections.