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28 April 2022

Just Like Me.

Take some deep breaths.

Notice the inhalation exhalation of your breath.

As you are able, bring someone into our mind that you have difficulty relating to.

Maybe they have opposing ideas or philosophies.

Maybe they are simple unkind.

Using all the wisdom you have acquired through your experiences, imagine gazing into this person's eyes with an open heart and an open mind.

Without trying to change them in any way, say to yourself...

This person is incarnated in a body. Just like me.

This person was once a child. Just like me.

This person has known joy in their life. Just like me.

This person has known sorrow. Just like me.

This person has loved someone. Just like me.

This person has had their heart broken. Just like me.

This person has experienced confusion and uncertainty. Just like me.

This person has tried and failed. Just like me.

This person needs forgiveness. Just like me.

This person wants to be loved. Just like me.

This person wants to be happy. Just like me.

See them now as part of your experience as a human being and say to them,

May you be happy and free. I wish for you strength, peace, and liberation in your human life.

Notice how this changes how you hold this person...and how you hold yourself.

Try this practice with different people. We can even use this practice when we become impatient or annoyed by a complete stranger...Just like me.

(This meditation was written by Brian W, a co-worker from another ministry market. Our team used it in a recent retreat, and since then I have been thinking a lot about it. I hope it blesses you as it has blessed me.)

Peace, friends!

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