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03 April 2013

Five Favorites {vol.3}

Linking up with Jen and Hallie this week for some more favorites...

This. hair spray.
I'm a gal that loves to curl my hair.  For awhile I've played with different hair spray brands from the drugstore.  A few weeks ago, I went to get my eye brows waxed and saw it in the display section for hair products and thought I would give a try.  I have relatively thick hair, and it really helped my curls in.  Definitely one of my new favs!
my favorite perfume.
I bought this perfume last spring for our wedding/honeymoon.  On Monday, Jim and I had a creative date night at home were we made Easter 'peep' smores over our stove.  Before hand I sprayed some of this awesomeness on, and when he came in the door that night he asked me, "Oh are you wearing the 'honeymoon' perfume, that's my favorite on you!"  I figured since he liked it so much too, it was worthy of my five favorites.  Yes this is a pricey scent (just look it is made by!) but I used my tax returns from last year to get it.  How to describe the scent?? A spring time sweetness with a hint of Grace Kelly-ness...not too bad, huh? ;-)
This fancy gadget. Lady Comp....our fertility monitor.
And for curious minds, the thermometer goes only in your mouth.  When Jim first saw it when we bought this, he was shall we say 'concerned' about where the thermometer went.
When Jim and I got engaged we knew birth control was not going to be in the picture for a lot of reasons, and decided to sign up for Natural Family Planning Classes (those not familiar with NFP, its a way to know when your body is fertile/unfertile by monitoring your basal temperature and TMI alert...fertile mucus.  Yay no carcinogens!).  After our first 2 NFP classes, I started tracking my temp and monitoring my fertile mucus.  However, it was terribly hard and frustrating for me.  I would get upset and frustrated at myself that I couldn't seem to 'read' the signals of my own body.  We off course were going to be open to life when we got married, but through a lot of prayer and discernment realized that with both of us going to be in grad school and Jim not working right away, so for our family it was best to really know the ins and outs of NFP. 
I started talking to married friends.  And one of them introduced me to Lady Comp.  It is a VERY accurate fertility monitor that works on your temperature mucus checking, yay!  After you take your temp each morning one of three different colored lights comes on: red=you're fertile, abstain (unless you want to try and have a baby), green=infertile, no more abstaining, yay for that!, or yellow=the machine is still learning your body/cycle (which happens in the beginning as you start using the machine).  The level of my frustration with my body before we got married was very high, and I was concerned when we were married that I wouldn't be able to read the signs properly.  So we decided to purchase Lady Comp last winter, well before our June wedding.
It has been a great tool for us!  I still chart and semi keep track of fertile mucus.  So armed together with all our NFP knowledge from the classes and Lady Comp, we are doing much better at this.  And Lady Comp is totally natural so you're not putting the bad stuff of birth control into your body.
If you are interested in more on Lady Comp, let me know!  My sister who is also getting married, just got her own; and while at a youth ministry conference last summer I was telling all the newly marrieds/engaged gals about it.
These bad boys!

Since college, I've kept off a good amount of weight from Weight Watchers.  Granted I have went over my desired weight since our wedding (yes almost a year ago)...but I'm slowly working at that.  I found these at Kroger's recently and they are dee-lic! tasty and only 2 points per bar!
Just make sure you don't eat 3 or 4 at I did the first time!
This devotional book.
If you haven't heard of Ann Voskamp, check out her blog or her book 'One Thousand Gifts' amazing woman of God reminding us all of the beauty of gratefulness.

That's all for sure to check out Hallie at
Oh and don't forget its STILL the octave of Easter (which means we have 8 days to celebrate how awesome our God is...not to mention the Easter season is 50 days long)!


  1. that fertility monitor is so cool. I got of BC before when we got engaged cause I hear it takes a while to re-cycle and it took me over a year. We use other methods now but I think this would be cool to have when you are trying too!

    1. Girl, I'm telling you...this thing works! I feel like a sales woman now always telling my married friends about it and such ;-)

  2. I'm up for learning about a fertility monitor! After 4 kids in 3.5 years, we're ready for a break!!!

    1. WOW. First of all, you are a rock star in my eyes for that many kidlets! Feel free to message me and I can send you more details and such...not everyone here may want all the gory details ;-)

  3. Patty, I am sooo interested in the fertility monitor. I've just been thinking about those ovulation strips but if this works (and you make it sound easy), where did you get it?

    1. LOL! It is kinda pricy ($485) okay keep breathing...w/ a 10 year warranty. For us we felt like it was a good investment, esp. since reading fertile/unfertile signs was so. hard. confusing. for me. There is an official website for this particular monitor we bought: We got it through the website...feel free to message me and I can answer more questions or whatever :)

  4. I usually get my books through PaperbackSwap and that Ann Voskamp book has been on my "wish list" for over a year. The estimate is that I'll get it in another six months or so, so I'm looking forward to that.

    1. Oh i have heard of paperback swap friend was just telling me about it :)

  5. LOL! Yes Nancy, I would say its worth it ;-)

  6. Awesome post! Love Chanel Chance! So chic!!!


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